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Downloadable Toddler Schedule

Downloadable Toddler Schedule

I'm assuming most of you didn't sign up to be a homeschool mom or dad this year. Yet lots of parents are taking precautionary measures and/or being forced to teach the remainder of the school year from the comforts of their dining room table. As a mom of a toddler I will say at home education can be. . . difficult. There is so much pressure as a mom of a young child to constantly be providing ONLY the top notch education. You hear it all the time. No screens, only wood toys, this that whatever. I mean I'm not one to judge nor preach in this matter. We have done fairly well limiting screen time, we do our best to teach education through play, and you best well believe Calloway didn't have a drop of sugar until his 2nd birthday. BUT, not all parents are me and most parents don't have the work schedule I do that has allowed me to be THAT mom to Calloway. We all have good intentions. No one wants to see their child fail and I think some underlining stress we are feeling about school closures falls back on our fear that WE cannot give our child the same education they deserve or would receive from their school.

Example Schedule

With that said, I will note as of 3/20/20 Calloway's preschool has not closed its doors. We are not particularly thrilled about this. Without going to extensive lengths on this topic we are angry that the school is using parents who are still working as an excuse to keep the school open and thus punishing those who don't currently need, want or afford the services they provide momentarily. Yet on the other end of the spectrum, I know parents whose schools are closed and are required to continue to paying for those services they cannot utilize. We are crossing our fingers for an amicable compromise to this issue in the coming days and weeks. For now you will see on my example schedule, Calloway is scheduled to be at school on both Tuesday's and Thursday's. We ask you please do not judge us on him attending school. We have discussed this extensively as a family and unfortunately not sending him or withdrawing him would create an even larger financial burden on our family that we cannot commit to at this time.

Now back to the fun stuff! So, you're stuck at home with kids. What do you do? Well, most parents who have K-12 students have most likely already begun the process of online school through their states and school districts. However, if you have a toddler like myself you may not be receiving the same resources from your school boards or daycares and we can all agree their attention span is. . . let's say, limited! 

Schedule Guide

In an attempt to help anyway I can, I have put together an easy fill in schedule for families of young children to not only keep their child entertained but aid in education and other essential skills. You will find in the provided free digital download not only an example of our schedule as a guide but also several printout schedules you can fill out, a suggested supply list (that can be used for a multitude of projects), A LOT of daily/weekly theme options, and other activities/suggestions. I intend to add to this document as I find fitting and am happy to hear comments and suggestions from you guys on how it can be improved. 


Lastly, please do not look at this as a "be all end all" document. Even I search Pinterest, Google, and some of my favorite activity books for ideas for projects, crafts, and educational activities to do with Calloway. We will continue to post about different activities and crafts we do with Calloway through the blog and on our social media pages.

Finger Paints
Safety Scissors
Dot Stickers
Kinetic Sand
Clothes Line Clips
Kid's Easel Roll
Dot Markers
Water Beads
Kid's Amazon Kindle
Tempura Paint Sticks
Our Whiteboard

The Dad Lab
Play & Learn Toddler Activity Book
The Outdoor Toddler Activity Book
Toddler Activities Made Easy
365 Toddler Activities That Inspire Creativity

We hope you enjoy this and it helps you in some capacity while we all adjust to this new way of living.





For those that are curious, Calloway is two-years-old (26 months as of 3/19/20).

Please feel free to leave any questions, suggestions, or comments below. Also, if you see any spelling or grammatical errors please let me know so I may quickly correct. Hope you enjoyed this activity and be sure to share pictures with us on Instagram @Friendlilypress if you try them out yourself!



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